Young theologians, grounded with a firm foundation in scripture and the sacraments, learn to express their faith in words and actions. Students learn valuable life lessons from the parables that help them to make sense of the world around them and develop a loving personal relationship with God. From the teachings of the Old Testament and discussions about the Habits of Mind and Growth Mindset concept, students learn that God does not call perfect people, but that He qualifies each of us for the tasks to which we are called. Students recognize that they have spiritual gifts and share them with others through their participation in Mass and prayer services, reflections in class, and through a variety of service opportunities. From Buck-a-Stuff donations to leading school families, organizing food and clothing drives for the poor, sending candy to the troops, or just being kind to their classmates, students strive to help others, to lift them up, to lead by example, and to put their faith into action. Students in the eighth grade focus on social justice through the reading of Fr. Greg Boyle’s Tattoos on the Heart and a field trip to Homeboy Industries. They reflect on themes of forgiveness, grace, gratitude, friendship, and Catholic social teaching of the dignity of work, stewardship, the dignity of all people, care for God’s creation, and solidarity with others.